In-Person Services Restarted at Farmington
Good Morning Church Family,
In person worship service will take place at the church, beginning with Sabbath School at 10:00 am. The following information is important, please read prior to departure from your home:
- If you have any symptoms of sickness, please do not attend! We encourage you to watch our online service. We also encourage vulnerable members (65+, underlying health conditions, etc.) to do the same.
- Please maintain 6 feet or more from everyone who is not part of your group.
- Please do not hug.
- Please do not shake hands.
- There will be no gathering in the foyer.
- A Face Covering is always required inside the building unless you have a special exception that has been approved by church leadership.
- Children must always remain with their parents. Parents are responsible for their children’s adherence to the above requirements. Toys will not be provided in the mother's room. Please bring your own toys.
- There will be no Potlucks until further notice.
- There will be temperature screening on arrival at the church building. If you have a high temperature, you will not be allowed in to the building, so please check yourself prior to arrival if you have any symptoms of sickness.
- Deacons on duty will be available to assist with requests as needed.
Pastor Luke Penrod