Aerobic: Walking

Walking: 5 mins

1. March in place (2 mins, 3-4 mph)

2. March in place w/overhead presses (push hands up above head and bring down to shoulder counts of 8) (30 seconds)

3. Light jog (30 seconds)

4. Walk forward 4 steps, walk back 4 steps (2 mins, 2-3 mph)


Anaerobic: Strength Training

Squats: 10 reps (2 sets)

Make it easier: Sit on the edge of a chair with your feet hip-width apart and arms crossed over your chest. Tighten your abdominal muscles and stand up. Slowly sit down.

Make it harder: Lower farther, but not past your thighs, being parallel to the floor.

Rest: 30 seconds


Bicycle Crunch: 15 reps (2 sets)

Make it easier: Lie on floor, back flat. Raise legs, bend at knee. Extend one leg, return to start position, extend opposite leg. (Like riding a bicycle!)

Make it harder: Lie on floor, lift head and shoulders off floor, keep lower back flat. Raise legs, bend at knee. Bicycle pedal!

Rest: 30 seconds


Flexibility: Stretches


Arm across chest stretch: Stand with back straight. Place left arm across chest and brace with right arm (with the left elbow nestled in the crook of the joint of your right elbow). Hold for 15 seconds. Switch sides.

Triceps stretch: Stand with back straight. Raise left arm then bend at elbow until you can touch your upper back. Deepen the stretch by placing your right arm behind your head and gently pushing your upturned left elbow towards your back.  Hold for 15 seconds. Switch sides.


Stability: Balancing


One leg balance (leg back): Stand with legs hip-width apart. Extend your left leg backward. Lift extended leg until you are slightly bent forward. Hold for 10 seconds. Switch sides.

One leg balance (leg back, opposite arm raise): In the same position as the one leg balance. Raise opposite arm and hold pose for 10 seconds. Switch sides.

One leg balance (over thigh, squat): Stand with legs hip-width apart. Place left leg across your right thigh. Hold pose for 10 seconds. Challenge your self by slowly squatting or “sitting down.” Switch sides.