5-minute warm-up

Do a 5 minute brisk walk or

1 minute each of these 5 exercises: 

  1. Jumping jacks/cross jacks
  2. Standing kick with toe touches
  3. Arm rotations (forward & backwards)
  4. Butt kicks
  5. High knees

Strength-Training Routine

Set 1

Squats: 15 reps

Lying chest press: 15 reps

Alternating V-ups : 15 reps

Bridge: 30 secs

Bicep curls: 10/each side


Set 2

Forward lunges: 15 reps

Standing flyes: 15 reps

Bicycle crunches: 15 reps

Up-down (drawbridge): 30 secs

Lying dumbbell pullovers: 15 reps


Set 3

Plié squats: 15 reps

Lying wide-arm press: 15 reps

Cross-legged bridge: 15 secs/each side

Plank: 30 secs

Overhead shoulder press: 15 reps


Set 4

Back lunge with front kick: 10/each side

Push-up with dumbbell pulls: 15 reps

Lying toe touches: 15 reps

One-legged raised bridge: 15 secs/each side

Standing calf raise: 15 reps


5-minute cool-down 

1 minute each of these 5 stretches

  1. Shoulder stretch
  2. Sitting toe reach/touch or Standing toe reach
  3. Squat and hold
  4. Quadriceps stretch
  5. Overhead stretch